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Taro: A New Asset Issuance Protocol on Bitcoin

Timer50 min de lecture

Key Takeaways

  • Taro draws on the new features introduced by the 2021 Taproot soft-fork to enable new types of asset issuance and spending on the Bitcoin and Lightning Networks. 

  • While Taro’s associated risks are not yet fully understood by the Bitcoin community, nor has its full abilities been properly tested in practice, its specification outlines exciting opportunities to evolve the Bitcoin network to settle more forms of asset exchange, such as those involving tokenised fiat currencies (stablecoins), tokenised securities, or non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

  • The risks, such as technical complexity and third-party dependencies, stem from structural challenges of enabling more flexibility into Bitcoin, its reliance on newly activated Taproot features, and the unavoidable necessity of externally sourcing price and/or issuance data for stablecoins, securities and NFTs. 

  • If successful, Taro has the potential to advance financial inclusion, greatly increase the usefulness and network effect of the Bitcoin Network, improve Bitcoin’s resistance against censorship attacks, and foster greater payment privacy.

  • At CoinShares Research, we find the possibility of stablecoins being enabled on Bitcoin’s Lightning Network is a particularly promising development capable of disrupting both traditional and crypto native payment rails; however, it is still unclear to us whether Taro will be an effective way to accomplish this, and exactly how these developments will progress beyond their conceptual stages.

  • In the event Taro succeeds at onboarding new users to the Lightning network, it could be a major catalyst in spreading the idea of bitcoin to new groups of adopters who may not yet have explored its potential and properties as money. This could help bitcoin win an increasing share of the global monetary market, adding incremental value to each bitcoin unit in line with our fundamental investment thesis.


In this post, we explore the broader possibilities and implications of a new Bitcoin Improvement Proposal, Taro, which introduces a framework for custom asset creation inside of the Bitcoin Monetary System. Taro is structured to ensure that it remains fully voluntary for network participants and does not increase the resource requirements (storage, bandwidth, etc.) of node operators—in other words, it does not negatively impact the decentralisation of the Bitcoin Network. 

At the same time, Taro enables new kinds of assets to be compatible on Bitcoin’s second-layer Lightning network for those who wish to use it. This provides several key differences to previous attempts at issuing assets atop Bitcoin, with which we’ll cover later in this piece.

Other than increased complexity, there are no significant downsides to the proposal, and its most controversial aspect is likely to be the lack of current demand for new types of assets within Bitcoin itself.

Those most enthusiastic seem to envisage Taro expanding the potential of Bitcoin’s Lightning network to a more general purpose payments system, capable of transferring numerous assets beyond bitcoin. We find Taro likely most appealing to those that view Bitcoin as a settlement system, and believe its layered architecture is an optimal engineering design to both deliver the full suite of services required to complement and/or rival modern financial services and at the same time avoid introducing vulnerabilities to the system’s core—a provision we’ll cover in more detail later.

We conclude that while many will be encouraged by the potential of Taro, it has yet to be properly tested, and patience will be important for any anticipated improvements to meet their expectations and challenge existing alternatives while also not compromising the unrivalled security and stability of the Bitcoin Network. 

For the curious reader unfamiliar with Lightning, we suggest first reading our explainer here, which summarises and offers context as to how Lightning adds an added layer of abilities to Bitcoin. It may also be helpful to read our primer of Taproot, the latest major software change to Bitcoin, on which Taro directly relies.

This series however will skip over those discussions, and focus on the history leading up to Taro (Section 4), its general structure (Section 5), the potential new features it may present users, and the effects they may have on Lightning and the broader Bitcoin ecosystem (Section 6 & 7).

In particular, we explain the possible impact of introducing fiat currencies on Lightning and the opportunities Taro may bring for Bitcoin developers more generally. We also examine some of the challenges associated with Taro and other considerations we find are necessary for it to realise its potential.


Before delving into the details of Taro, it will probably be interesting for readers to understand some of the history behind the issuance, hosting and transfer of new kinds of assets within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Bitcoin was created to enable individuals to transact digital value directly with each other, and without relying on any third party. And as promised, users can effectively hold, send, or receive bitcoin without the added necessary friction of financial institutions and intermediaries (commercial banks, payment processors, etc), without counterparty risk, and with decentralised settlement.

While the Bitcoin protocol is suitable to perform the fundamental monetary functions of bitcoin, its base layer doesn’t offer the flexibility to natively issue other types of assets or perform more elaborate financial transactions that are commonplace in the real world economy. This is a conscious design choice made to keep Bitcoin as simple and free of attack vectors as possible—the fewer moving parts, the fewer fundamental problems are likely to arise.

Commonly traded goods (such as fiat currencies, equities, debt, collectibles, etc) can already utilise bitcoin as a unit of account, and Bitcoin as a settlement system, but they are not natively recognised within the Bitcoin monetary settlement system itself. In other words, these items can be priced in bitcoin and economically represented through  transactions recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain, yet the items themselves, and their prices, must be represented elsewhere.

This is similarly (and perhaps counterintuitively) also the case in the modern financial system. Here, goods are often measured in dollars and exchanged through intermediaries like brokerages or payment processors, only to be finally reconciled and economically represented through simple dollar transfers on primary settlement systems (like FedWire, or CHIPS). 

With this, the traditional system enables investors to access financial markets to manage their capital in more complex ways, and do so in a scalable manner; however, in turn, it also requires trust in the specially privileged organisations and private networks on which the primary settlement systems depend (often, large bulge bracket banking institutions).

The concept of Bitcoin evolving to settle value more akin to the modern financial system has thus stimulated a vigorous debate around how to best replicate real world assets and financial services without sacrificing the robust, trust minimised, and decentralised properties Bitcoin offers. 

A somewhat common stance is that some of the layers of the financial system will eventually be rebuilt or doctored to stack atop Bitcoin as a primary settlement system. This system is already settling significant amounts of value every year, recording $4.7 trillion in 2021 and is currently on pace to settle $4.2 trillion in 2022.

We caution that this is not necessarily a consensus view, but in our opinion, as a result of Bitcoin having a governance system that is both openly accessible and completely voluntary it has amassed a community of broad and oftentimes conflicting perspectives. Without direction by any particular person or group, Bitcoin does not have a conventional roadmap, leaving room for factions and partisan behaviour on how Bitcoin should progress, or ossify. In this way, there is no certainty as to how Bitcoin’s ecosystem will change moving forward, if at all.

The historic journey we’re about to embark on will show exactly how complicated, prolonged and controversial this can make Bitcoin’s evolution. Bitcoin is a system that requires widespread agreement for developments to be accepted, and this agreement can be quite difficult to attain. 

The Tried but Not True Method for Creating Customised Bitcoin Assets

Early attempts at distributing new assets on Bitcoin proved to be creative yet unpolished, leading to experimentation that would actually come to lay the groundwork for popular Ethereum applications while at the same time highlighting certain challenges that ultimately stifled adoption within Bitcoin. 

Figure 1: OP_Return Percentage of Total Bitcoin Transactions, Monthly

OP_Return Percentage of Total Bitcoin Transactions, Monthly

These projects essentially created software that would interpret additional transaction data (which can be added to Bitcoin transactions for some extra cost) as the issuance or spending of outside assets. Specifically, this meant publishing standardised messages to a nondescript compartment of a transaction (called OP_return), watching for such transactions on the blockchain, and creating a trail of ownership on a separate record system. Although not welcomed by Bitcoin developers at the time, this technique does not violate any of the Bitcoin rules.

The most prominent of these projects, Counterparty, Colored Coins, and Mastercoin (later rebranded to Omni), reached legitimate milestones when considering the broader cryptocurrency landscape today, launching what is commonly deemed the first Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and Decentralised Exchange (DEX), as well as several other precursor technologies. 

These early projects had significant traction, accounting for 24% of transactions in 2019. However, they were not by any stretch of the imagination universally popular within the Bitcoin community. In our view, the mixture of an unwelcoming community, scalability and other technical issues, plus an eventually fast-growing competitive environment outside of Bitcoin limited their success.

We’ll attempt to summarise these issues below.

Community Discouragement

Many of the techniques[1] used by token creation projects were highly criticised and even considered parasitic to Bitcoin. The fact that storing data unrelated to transfering bitcoin was involuntary for network members was seen by some as abusing limited network resources, and even evidence of a free-rider problem. The point being that inordinate data recorded to the blockchain would have the undesirable consequence of Bitcoin requiring more storage and memory, raising the hardware requirements for existing network members and increasing the entry cost for new ones, creating certain friction to the spread of entities enforcing Bitcoin’s rules. 

In other words, it would threaten to reduce the decentralisation of Bitcoin.

Some considered the possibility of widespread issuance of arbitrary assets (of, shall we say, dubious real-world value) on Bitcoin deeply unethical and contrary to the spirit of the protocol and community—many of whom are deeply concerned with credibly levelling the financial playing field. The inevitable proliferation of scams and resulting losses to members within the Bitcoin ecosystem was considered to be a major risk to the system’s credibility.

Others, on a similar note, opined that these projects were detracting from the community’s primary objective of delivering a decentralised and trust minimised monetary network. Adding new assets was perceived as an unnecessary opportunity cost, and the idea that a small group would be given the privilege of managing and controlling the sales and proceeds of issuing assets was considered unfair. 

Ultimately, we find the general disapproval among Bitcoin community members was the largest deterrent to the success of these projects, and a main catalyst for both the creation of—and later explosion of tokens issued on—Ethereum, as well as the cultural divide that remains between the two largest cryptocurrency projects.


The user experience of issuing and spending these tokenised assets was somewhat slow, costly, and often involved dated graphical interfaces. We’ll make an example out of Counterparty, one of the most adopted asset issuance projects built on Bitcoin.

Creating a Counterparty asset generally required both downloading their official wallet software as well as paying a fee in XCP, the project-specific token (which at least to its credit could only be created by burning bitcoin, and has since been available for purchase on secondary exchange markets). To then spend such an asset, on say the Counterparty DEX or a betting application, the owner was subject to the bottleneck of Bitcoin’s ten minute block interval. Recipients would then either have to run their own Counterparty node, or they would have to trust the Counterparty network operators were acting honestly in tracing the correct trail of Counterparty asset transactions within the Bitcoin blockchain.

The trust assumptions are similar to those of Bitcoin users not running their own node, which is probably not an issue for casual low-value use. The ten minute block time however is probably a larger problem for these types of projects. While a couple hours is a reasonable amount of time to settle large sums of money, any type of stablecoin, financial transaction, or even game would likely be rather hamstrung if all types of transactions needed time on the order of hours to reliably process (hence why layers like Lightning are critical parts of the Bitcoin technology stack). 

This may exemplify the crux of all Bitcoin-based applications of the sort — any transfer will explicitly be limited by the speed of Bitcoin blocks. This means a simple asset swap would almost certainly require several minutes before materialising on an exchange’s order book. However, it doesn’t seem like this was a major issue to users at the time, perhaps due to a lack of alternatives or the excitement over promising new functionality. 


Making a bitcoin transaction requires paying an associative fee, and when making transactions of greater data intensity, such as the multisignature and Op_Return ones used by asset creation protocols, the necessary fees are often higher than average. 

Bitcoin fees however are also auction-based, so for as long as blocks are not full, they will tend to zero. This was the case for almost 5 years. However, by 2013 bitcoin fees were starting to make themselves felt as an unavoidable aspect of sending a transaction, even though they were lower in dollar terms than they are today. 

Figure 2: Total Daily Bitcoin Fees, USD and BTC (2011-2016)

Total Daily Bitcoin Fees, USD and BTC (2011-2016)

Despite a lack of evidence that this was a significant problem, we suspect it might have become one had these projects gained more traction. It might perhaps have been comparable to the stifling fee environment Ethereum endured throughout the frenzied experimentation of DeFi applications over the past year or so where most casual transactions got crowded out by extremely valuable ones. 

The potential of a damagingly high fee environment was not lost on the Bitcoin community, adding further negative sentiment to the idea of these projects in their heyday, and perhaps fueling the arguments of future large blockers in the Blocksize Wars that were to follow in the not-so-distant future.



Some community members have also expressed concerns regarding the fungibility of coins when used as containers for other assets. Representing arbitrary assets using bitcoin could cause some random denominations of bitcoin to dramatically exceed the value of other equal denominations. 

Bitcoin outputs that carry alternative assets are also often times more identifiable such that malicious miners can single them out for discrimination. Meaning, miners that determine which transactions are included in a block could censor, or purposely leave out, ones that carried assets beyond bitcoin.


Competitive Environment

The advent of Ethereum in 2015 brought an alternative blockchain that made trade-offs against decentralisation, robustness, attack surface, and trust to offer more complex transaction scripting—essentially enabling code of any complexity to be executed directly within the settlement system. This, along with the design choice of faster block intervals, made application usage much more user friendly compared to Bitcoin. 

In addition, Ethereum disrupted the aforementioned projects built on Bitcoin by welcoming and encouraging the general community of proponents that were keen to experiment with new kinds of cryptographic assets. By generally prioritising the usability of developer tools, it has continued to host the most valuable crypto assets outside of bitcoin, as well as be the platform of choice for issuing new assets. 

However, it is worth mentioning that Ethereum itself has also lost market share due to competitive forces, best evidenced by Solana and Tron, other cryptocurrency platforms that offer comparable functionality but feature even higher throughput, faster processing, and lower transaction costs, at the further incremental cost of decentralisation and trust minimisation.

In the end, most of these types of projects left the Bitcoin ecosystem while Bitcoin developers tried to figure out how, if at all possible, to enable such uses within the Bitcoin technology stack. Meanwhile Ethereum blossomed until it, too, inevitably ran into many of the problems predicted by developers in the early days of Bitcoin, in turn spawning a whole industry of ‘expressive blockchain protocols’.

Almost ten years later the pieces may finally have fallen into place within the Bitcoin protocol itself, and in the next part of our series we will explain how it might be done and what consequences it could have.  


Taro Enables Asset Issuance on Bitcoin with Fewer Tradeoffs

Taro is best explained as an evolution of the techniques put forth by the early Bitcoin-tethered asset issuance protocols Mastercoin and Counterparty. However, it is an entirely new design, improving upon some of their limitations by drawing upon the new features introduced with Taproot, and thereby reducing the total amount of undesirable tradeoffs. But perhaps most significantly, due to its compatibility with Lightning, Taro might finally have introduced a way to issue and transact new kinds of assets within the Bitcoin ecosystem without running into unsolvable scaling constraints.

The tradeoffs introduced by Mastercoin and Counterparty were covered in more detail in Section 4 of our report on Taro, but we also list them below as a reminder:

  • Increasing resource requirements for network operators — Undesirable because it threatens to reduce the decentralisation of Bitcoin

  • Reducing transaction fungibility — Undesirable because it makes it easier to discriminate against transactions by nefarious miners

  • Limited capacity to scale — Undesirable because it limits the growth potential of servicing new users and increasing usage

  • Lacking Privacy — Undesirable because it threatens to reduce the safety of users

Past protocols have struggled to design systems for issuing custom assets without making at least one of the above trade-offs, leading to significant discouragement from within the Bitcoin community and ultimately, limited adoption. Taro however makes use of recent advancements in the Bitcoin technology stack that did not exist at the time when the aforementioned protocols were launched. Specifically, this includes Bitcoin’s most recent major soft fork, Taproot, and the speedy payments protocol, Lightning which itself was introduced following the previous major Segregated Witness (SegWit) soft fork from 2017.

Taro Relies on Taproot to Improve Efficiency and Privacy, Reduce Censorship Risk, and Enable Lightning Integration for Quick, Cheap and Scalable Payments

Together, the features of both Taproot and Lightning allowed Lightning Labs — the creators of Taro — to propose a methodology with a broadly similar purpose of issuing and spending assets whose information rides and resides in data fields inside of bitcoin transactions. But this time around, it is being done in a way that offers greater scalability, protects privacy, mitigates censorship risks, and perhaps most importantly, does not increase the resource costs of base network participants.

Before describing how Taro works, we’ll first briefly explain some of the properties of Taproot and Lightning that have provided the technical foundation to, at least in theory, sidestep the undesirable trade-offs of previous protocols:

Figure 3: Taproot Enables the Creation of a New Type of Transaction Output (UTXO) 

Taproot Enables the Creation of a New Type of Transaction Output (UTXO)


  • Taproot enables a new way of spending bitcoin (sometimes referred to as a transaction output type, or UTXO) which allows coins to be spent either by the owner of a standard private key, or by anyone who can satisfy a specific set of requirements determined by the transaction creator (often called a smart contract)

  • Taproot transaction outputs containing specific spending requirements look indistinguishable to any other Taproot transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain, so no one can determine whether such a transaction is a ‘regular’ bitcoin transfer or a smart contract until after it has been spent

  • Taproot transactions are more resource efficient compared to other bitcoin transaction types that may also be used to spend complex transactions

Figure 4: In Taro UTXOs, the Address can be either a Public Key or a Taproot Root Hash

In the case of Taro, the increased flexibility of Taproot transactions allows for the extra information about outside assets to travel as part of a bitcoin spend (more on how this works, later). Importantly, due to the privacy properties of Taproot, Taro spends are indistinguishable from other Taproot transactions. This means that miners cannot censor Taro spends, as it is unlikely anyone could identify which Taproot transactions are carrying Taro assets.[2]


  • The Lightning Network uses the concept of payment channels to increase the economic capacity which can be settled in bitcoin transactions

  • The Lightning Network effectively has no limit to its transfer speed (other than the speed of light) or overall capacity, and is extremely cheap compared to other payment networks

  • The Lightning Network offers stronger privacy than Bitcoin’s base layer since most transaction information is never seen by anyone that is not directly involved in the transaction itself (the tradeoff being that Lightning is less decentralised and trust-minimised)

The ability for Taro assets to retain compatibility with the Lightning Protocol enables them to make use of the same cheap and speedy second layer payments network that native bitcoin currently benefits from. This enables the use of Taro assets to expand outside the scaling constraints that are built into the base layer Bitcoin ecosystem to safeguard its decentralisation. It also enables Taro assets to potentially benefit from applications that are also building compatibility into the Lightning protocol. 

Taro Works by Recording Asset Ownership in an Off-Chain Database, Relying on Client-Side Validation, and Maintaining Compatibility with the Lightning Network

Rather than recording raw asset data in the optional data fields of a conventional transaction, which is both publicly viewable and must be stored by all network members, Taro data is structured and stored off-chain, and only by those that voluntarily opt in. All the necessary proof that is needed for Taro to work is contained in the Taproot address itself, which takes up no more space than any other bech32 address. 

In other words, to a non-Taro user, Taro Taproot addresses look like any other address and can be anything, but a Taro user looking at a particular Taproot address will be able to recognise and verify that it contains the information that they need to transact Taro assets.

Recording of Taro Ownership Is Done in Distributed Off-Chain Databases

Balances of all Taro asset holdings are logged in standardised off-chain databases that are stored and updated individually by Taro participants. The function of these databases is to prove to each individual Taro user that they indeed own their assets, and enable them to embed the necessary information for further Taro transfers. Each type of asset has its own set of databases and users only need to keep databases for the assets they care about. This directly increases the resource requirements on Taro users, but not on any other non-Taro Bitcoin nodes.

Figure 5: The Taro Script Hash Contains a Tree-like Structure of Taro Assets

The Taro Script Hash Contains a Tree-like Structure of Taro Assets

The Taro Script Hash database is designed as a tree-like structure containing one or more Taro assets. At the bottom, each asset owner, represented by a Taro address, has their own account, or “leaf”, with an accompanying balance that denominates the number of assets an owner holds. A “branch” is then a collection of leaves that equate to the sum of several owners, and the “root”, which is a sort of checksum of the entire tree contents, represents all owners in the tree. This tree is essentially the building block of Taro, needed to understand how many assets an owner possesses.

A key aspect of the Taro ownership database is that the checksum or root, which contains a sum of each owner’s balance within the tree, is plainly available to each Taro user, such that a recipient is able to quickly verify the total amount of assets in a database. In traditional Bitcoin fashion, this is meant to enable Taro participants to verify that their assets have not been maliciously inflated.

However, no user can see any information concerning any leaf belonging to anyone other than themselves and users with which they have previously transacted. In other words, no individual user has full access to any entire database. Users have access to enough information to verify incoming transfers, but not enough to know the balances or transaction histories of other random users. Only the asset issuer has a somewhat higher level of visibility than other users, but even they start losing visibility once transactions start taking place.

On-Chain Transactions Bind New and Updated Versions of the Distributed Off-Chain Taro Databases to the Bitcoin Blockchain

When a Taro asset is first created or when additional supply is issued, the issuer generates a new ownership tree, assigns a user/balance pair to the appropriate leaves, and attaches it to a bitcoin output. Each subsequent spend of this bitcoin then prompts an updated version of the Taro databases stored by each of the involved sending and receiving parties. It also generates a new Taproot address which contains cryptographic proof (a checksum of sorts) that both the changes made to each Taro users’ holdings are effective and no additional Taro assets have been created out of thin air, essentially anchoring each change in Taro ownership to specific transactions recorded in the Bitcoin blockchain.

Figure 6: Taro Transactions Alter the Off-Chain Databases of the Involved Users

Taro Transactions Alter the Off-Chain Databases of the Involved UsersA clever aspect of how Taro leverages Taproot is that this ownership data itself is not actually recorded to the Bitcoin blockchain, nor will it alter the appearance of a transaction to look like anything other than a run-of-the-mill spend. Taro uses the properties of Taproot to embed specific requirements to a bitcoin output that both must be met to spend the bitcoin and are unrecognisable to the common observer. The key requirement in Taro’s case, is to produce a new version of the ownership tree that rightly debits the spender and credits the receiver.

Said another way, anyone intending to spend their Taro asset is required to have both the private key associated with the asset and additional off-chain data that allows them to prove to their counterparty that they will no longer control the asset after the transaction. Taro thereby creates an off-chain record system of these alternative assets, which can subsequently be transferred using bitcoin transactions.

The Validation of Taro Transfers Is Done by Senders and Receivers, Not Bitcoin Nodes

Since the general Bitcoin network is not aware of any Taro asset exchange, and therefore cannot use the general Bitcoin rules to clarify whether a transfer is correct, the sender and receiver are expected to authenticate whether a Taro transfer is valid by themselves. The burden of proof in this process is on the sender, who crafts and communicates a message to the receiver.

A Taro transfer therefore consists of a message from sender to receiver, to authenticate that the sender has the necessary funds, and that after the transaction is spent, the receiver will be in control of these funds.

Importantly, these messages are meant to only be known by the sender and receiver, safeguarding both the privacy of the transactors and also other Taro asset owners. They include several key pieces of information to validate the transfer of funds, such as:

  • Which bitcoin transaction originally created the ownership tree

  • The issuer of the Taro asset

  • All the previous versions of the ownership tree

  • Directions to verify the balance of the receiver has been correctly increased, and

  • Any specific rules on how to spend the Taro asset

Figure 7: Taro Transaction Proofs Contain Previous States, Asset Rules and Directions 

Taro Transaction Proofs Contain Previous States, Asset Rules and DirectionsA helpful analog of the Taro transfer process may be to imagine the spender communicating a secret map to the recipient comprised with the information necessary to trace the asset’s history, including: the Taproot transaction containing the Taro asset’s issuance; the subsequent transactions since then; and, the directions for the recipient to find the exact location of their asset leaf in the most recent Taro ownership tree. It is therefore this map, or “cryptographic proof”, that enables the recipient to confirm that the correct account balances have been debited and credited by the spender, and also that the assets transferred were actually issued by the entity they expect.

Taro Assets Integrate with Lightning, Just Like Bitcoin

Taro in its most basic form is a standardised way to use Taproot’s features, however its greatest potential (which we’ll discuss further in Section 6 of our Taro report) lies in its compatibility with the Lightning protocol. This means fungible Taro assets can be lifted into payment channels[3] to leverage the benefits of a cheaper, faster, and more scalable payments network.

Figure 8: Lightning Transactions ‘Hop’ Between Users Connected by Channels

Lightning Transactions ‘Hop’ Between Users Connected by ChannelsThe process of Taro assets being lifted into the Lightning network is similar to that of native bitcoin. A channel opening is a smart contract transaction agreed upon between two parties, the information of which is contained within a Taproot address. Like native bitcoin, Taro assets on Lightning can then be transacted off-chain. 

However, upon closing a payment channel infused with Taro assets, the resulting final balance of each partner's Taro holdings is submitted as an update to the Taro ownership database. As far as Bitcoin is aware, this will appear as a standard Taproot transaction, exactly like any other on-chain Taro transfer. 

The key difference between bitcoin and Taro on Lightning is that Taro assets will never actually be recorded to the Bitcoin blockchain. Otherwise, the process of opening/closing a Lightning channel, as well as sending/receiving Lightning payments, is effectively the same.

Taro Is a Supplementary Software that Fits Within the Btc/Ln Technology Stack

In Section Two of our Taro report, we mentioned that Taro may be most appealing to those that view Bitcoin as a settlement system, and believe its layered architecture is an optimal engineering design to both deliver the full suite of services required to complement and/or rival modern financial services and at the same time avoid introducing vulnerabilities to the system’s core. Let’s now take a closer look at how Taro may fit into this framework.

Taro does not require any changes in the Bitcoin or Lightning protocol rules. Taro software releases do not magically allow current Bitcoin/Lightning network members to recognise new assets and will not require them to make any changes. Rather, Taro is standalone software with its own rules that can be run alongside the Bitcoin and Lightning protocols, offering those network members a choice to be cognisant of assets beyond bitcoin.

In this sense, Taro works as supplementary software that layers atop the existing Lightning and Bitcoin software stack. To join the Taro network, a node operator must already be a part of the Bitcoin network and abide by the Bitcoin rules.[4] This means that Taro members are part of the Bitcoin system rather than being segregated into an entirely new system. Specifically, they are required to both be part of the Bitcoin network and operate with additional sets of rules and resource requirements. Taro members who then choose to also run Lightning software will be able to both create connections and route payments within the existing Lightning network.

Taro therefore does not make any changes to Bitcoin’s core system. It is instead a modular add-on that directly relies on already established components within Bitcoin software. A helpful mental model may be that another layer is being laid on top of the already established foundation that is the Bitcoin protocol.

Layered network protocol architecture is not a new concept. For example, the Internet protocol suite evolved into several layers, each with their own specialised purpose: web pages use HTTP, e-mails use SMTP, machine addressing uses IP, and packet routing uses TCP. The analogy of layers is not perfect, but it can help us conceptualise and perhaps better understand the relationships between the components of more complex systems. When it comes to the internet, every interaction touches a variety of protocols across many taxonomic layers, from the base physical wires in the ground to the applications we interface with on a daily basis.

Figure 9: The Internet Network is Structured in Several Layers

The Internet Network is Structured in Several LayersBitcoin is showing signs that it is developing its own form of technology stack, also composed of a suite of protocols each designed for a specialised purpose. Like the Internet, the base layer is completely relied upon by higher layers, and it rarely changes outside of backwards-compatible advancements in efficiency. Higher layers on the other hand tend to see more frequent experimentation, and are more likely to evolve into the entry points with which consumers more commonly interface.

Figure 10: The Bitcoin Network is Structured in Several Layers

The Bitcoin Network is Structured in Several LayersTaro seems to be a new layer fitting somewhere in the middle of the emerging Bitcoin technology stack, designed to enable new kinds of assets to be spent on higher layer payment networks and/or utilised in higher level applications — something we plan to cover further in future reports.

Major Taro Opportunities



A significant part of the motivation for creating Taro was to enable the transaction of US Dollar stablecoins on the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Crypto representations of the US dollar (dubbed “crypto dollars” or “dollar stablecoins”) have dramatically risen and grown in usage to the extent that they are arguably the predominant use case of many generalised blockchains systems (such as Ethereum, Tron, Solana, BNB Chain etc.). 

By nature of being ‘Layer 1’ blockchains, these systems are often exposed to unavoidable transaction fees and/or limitations on transaction throughput. Steadily growing demand and inefficiencies of on-chain architectures have therefore traditionally posed a large and constant opportunity for disruptive innovation and/or new market entrants. 

This trend has been observable since the first successful dollar stablecoin Tether began its life on Bitcoin’s OMNI protocol (previously Mastercoin, discussed in Section 4), before running into capacity and fee problems. It then migrated to Ethereum until the same exact problems manifested and it moved further out towards more centralised, lower-fee and higher-throughput chains such as Tron, BNB Chain and Solana. This clearly reflects a need among stablecoins for transactions to be as fast and cheap as possible.

Figure 11: Evolution of Tether (USDT) Transfers on Crypto Platforms

Evolution of Tether (USDT) Transfers on Crypto PlatformsSince 2021, the daily average settlement value of the top crypto dollars has surpassed that of any other cryptocurrency; roughly 38% of centralised exchange volume involves a crypto dollar trading pair; and, three of the top seven cryptocurrencies by market cap (equivalent of $130 billion, at the time of writing) are crypto dollars issued by bank-like crypto firms, namely Binance, Tether, and Circle.

Figure 12: Daily Average Settlement Value by Asset (USD)

Daily Average Settlement Value by Asset (USD)Stablecoins enable traders to gain or retain exposure to US dollars without needing to exit the crypto ecosystem. The tokens ride on crypto rails and are often self-custodial and transferred without the requirement of Know-Your-Customer (KYC) compliance or without needing to involve the banking system. This has made them highly popular among cross-exchange arbitrage traders and among citizens suffering under capital controls or other forms of monetary repression.

However, crypto dollars today almost entirely rest upon blockchain platforms that may be somewhat politically encumbered, poorly structured, centralised and/or unstable due to being pushed to the technical limits of what blockchains can do in terms of throughput. In turn, unsuspecting users have been vulnerable to systemic collapses or access denial, as was the case by certain Terra and Ethereum users this past year. 

In parallel, the scalability issues of crypto systems (stemming from all participants storing, verifying, and relaying each valid transaction) has also led to stretches of high payment costs and long transaction waiting times.

Figure 13: Ethereum Average Transaction Fee Levels, Monthly

Ethereum Average Transaction Fee Levels, MonthlyThis presents an opportunity for Taro by offering the option to settle crypto dollar transactions on the blockchain with the longest history, highest stability, least technical debt, and strongest settlement assurances. In our opinion, the crux here is Lightning network compatibility which would enable the cheapest and fastest way to transfer crypto dollars, leading us to suspect that the success of a dollar-pegged Taro asset would almost certainly cause some level of migration among crypto dollar users back toward the Bitcoin ecosystem.

In a mature state, the Lightning network may evolve into a globally predominant payments platform and we believe the introduction of flexibility in the types of assets that may be transferred is a step in the right direction.


Taro’s potential to offer tokens with US dollar exposure for self-custody and payments to anyone with a mobile phone and internet connection is a major opportunity to advance financial inclusion—especially in developing countries. 

This is evidenced by the unveiling of personal wallet technology in El Salvador this past year, which enabled storage and transfers in both bitcoin and US dollars. The Salvadoran government offered each citizen a free $30 worth of bitcoin if they downloaded a wallet, specifically a mobile one developed by the government, called Chivo Wallet. 

As of 2022 January, 4 million users, representing over half the total population in El Salvador, had downloaded the wallet. Comparatively, this is greater than the percentage of adult Salvadorans with a bank account. Furthermore, of those that downloaded a wallet, and also spent the $30 worth of bitcoin supplied by the El Salvadoran government, 39% then continued wallet usage; a percentage we find significant considering the learning curve required to transition from a predominantly cash driven economy. 

Interestingly however, this did not necessarily coincide with increased bitcoin adoption, as active user spending, receiving, and depositing activities were more prevalently conducted in dollars as opposed to bitcoin. The Central Bank of El Salvador also reported that the country’s share of monthly remittance value received in bitcoin, a use case many suspected would convenience Salvadorans, was limited to just 1.7%

In this vein, Taro not only has an opportunity to advance access to dollars, but it is also likely that there is a high untapped demand for dollars (especially among those stricken with poverty and capital controls, according to Human Rights Foundation CSO Alex Gladstein and Strike CEO Jack Mallers) riding on crypto rails, available without the need to open a bank account.

While difficult to quantify, the steep rise in crypto dollar activity on Tron, a centralised yet mostly permissionless blockchain designed for speedy and cheap payments, offers fairly convincing evidence. However, we caution this data may also be influenced by other factors, such as strategic volume boosting or speculative DeFi activity. 

Figure 14: Growth in Tether (USDT) Daily Transfers and Settlement on Tron

Growth in Tether (USDT) Daily Transfers and Settlement on Tron(Note that Founder of Bitrefill Sergej Kotliar mentioned in a recent talk, which we highly recommend, that Tron USDT is the 3rd most prevalent payment method on his app only beaten by on-chain bitcoin and ethereum, suggesting that Tron USDT is indeed exchanged for goods in the real-world economy)

Apart from stablecoins there are also a whole host of more exotic token-based assets that may find a more secure footing on the Bitcoin Network using Taro than on inferior altcoin networks. While we don’t have the time to analyse all of them within the scope of this paper, the most obvious ones are assets that are already securitised in today’s financial system: Debt, equities, commodities, the list is long, but there are also opportunities for NFTs, tickets, collectibles and all sorts of other tokens.

Ultimately however, we believe Taro finds its most immediate potential in serving unfulfilled dollar demand in regions with harsh financial restrictions or inadequate banking infrastructure. This will likely happen first in areas that have already been exposed to digital wallet technology, such as the early communities in Latin America, Africa, and India.

Censorship Resistance 

It is well understood that the censorship resistance property of Bitcoin is a consequence of transaction fees. Therefore, Taro’s potential to increase transaction demand on the Bitcoin blockchain, by enabling new types of asset transfers, could strengthen its protection against chain reorganisation attacks.

The codified constraints in both block time and size explicitly limits transaction throughput on the Bitcoin blockchain (hence the ongoing development of scaling technologies Lightning and Liquid) in order to maximise decentralisation. This creates a scarcity of block space which in turn drives the transaction fee market. Here, spenders ‘bid’ for settlement and miners ‘ask’ for remuneration in an orderbook-style queue called the mempool

It is a combination of the free market for block space and the desire for timely settlement that determines the fee levels in the mempool. The more motivated a spender is to ensure timely inclusion of their transaction in a block, the more they will offer miners to include it. Miners that neglect transactions paying competitive fees are at a revenue disadvantage to those that do not. Over time, and on the whole, this drives censoring miners out of the market as they are unable to survive in the highly competitive mining industry.

We find it reasonable that an improved user experience of spending assets on Bitcoin payment rails—especially for stablecoins—will increase Bitcoin transaction demand, and with it, average fee levels. 

While we are careful not to imply that Taro will with certainty impact Bitcoin’s fee market and make transactions significantly more difficult to censor, we do believe that new projects, if successful, would boost demand for Bitcoin block space. The opportunity could then have a rippling impact on the overall ecosystem, but perhaps most directly, on censorship resistance.


The most obvious opportunity for Taro is increasing economic flexibility for Bitcoin users without having to leave the Bitcoin system. This in turn allows developers to experiment with creating assets of greater breadth and complexity, which if popular would have the consequence of improving the network effect of the Bitcoin monetary system. Some examples of anticipated features we have only briefly mentioned in this report is the ability to issue digital collectibles, derivatives, debt or equities.

We are reluctant to make any hard predictions on the impact new asset creation may have on Bitcoin, especially given many developers that were historically experimenting with customisable assets ended up migrating to alternative cryptocurrency ecosystems. However, we are generally encouraged by developers being handed new creative tools. As we’ve already noted, the simple addition of US dollars to Lightning payment rails alone has tremendous upside potential. 

The major opportunity is enhancing the suite of products and services available for users to spend both bitcoin and alternative assets without having to leave the Bitcoin monetary system. This could have positive impacts on both Bitcoin’s censorship resistance property (explained above) and overall network effect (explained below).

Lightning Network Effect

The Lightning Network bases itself on Bitcoin's underlying security model, but rather than limiting its ability to incremental and irreversible final settlement transactions, Lightning is designed for speed and volume with the ability to handle a virtually unlimited number of near instant payments. 

Lightning has steadily grown in popularity over time, and is steadily growing its ability to deliver upon its original purpose of improving the scalability of small casual payments within the Bitcoin Monetary System. As a new tool able to deliver payments cheaply and quickly, it has, in our view, greatly enhanced the ease with which bitcoin can be used as a medium of exchange. In other words, Lightning has helped bitcoin better fulfil one of the core functions of money, because it has made it easier to use it as money.

We intentionally point out that Lightning can increase bitcoin’s usage specifically as money, because it has an important impact on bitcoin’s long-term and fundamental investment case. In our view, as bitcoin grows in usage as money, its monetary premium will also grow, adding incremental exchange value to each unit.

It is fairly well understood today that bitcoin is only suitable as an investment because of the growing usage its monetary properties can attract to it as it competes in the global monetary market. It is these monetary properties that cause people across the globe to find bitcoin useful as money, whether it be due to its scarcity, transferability, durability, or whatever else. 

Its usefulness makes different people in different individual situations choose bitcoin over some other competing money, further enhancing its usefulness to others who now observe more people accepting it in exchange for goods and services. Ultimately, this creates a virtuous cycle of network effects, and it causes the bitcoin unit to take on an increasing monetary premium.

Anecdotally, we find there is a strong overlap between long-term investors that understand bitcoin’s future value potential as money and those who are using the Lightning Network as a payments system. Therefore, almost counterintuitively, we do not expect very significant payments growth on the Lightning Network in the short-term. This is because a large number of bitcoin users consider bitcoin a superior form of money and therefore use it for saving, instead preferring to spend inferior fiat (as Gresham’s Law eloquently puts it: bad money drives out good).

However, in the case Taro is successful, the addition of alternative monies to the Lightning payments system would offer users, both existing and new, the choice of which asset(s) to spend and which asset(s) to save, all within the highly secure, permissionless and censorship resistant Bitcoin monetary system. 

The increased utility on Lightning may then play into its own form of a virtuous cycle of network effects, where its usefulness makes users choose Lightning over some other competing payment platform. This will then further enhance its usefulness to others who now observe more users available for trade via cheap and near instant transactions within its network.

Figure 15: Flywheel of Lightning Network Effects

We also suspect that if Taro has the effect of improving the attractiveness of Lightning for both users and businesses it could also improve the earnings potential of routing providers and perhaps enhance the market for borrowing Lightning liquidity. The effect here could come both in terms of the possible returns on capital for lightning liquidity providers—itself a potential driver of network infrastructure investment— and the potential market opportunity of issuing new Lightning assets.

Lastly, the onboarding of new users to the Lightning network could be a catalyst that spreads the idea of bitcoin to a new group of potential adopters who have not yet explored its potential and properties as money. This may be the most challenging opportunity for Taro, however it is also potentially the most impactful for bitcoin, its value, and the path it takes in competing with other forms of money.


The privacy properties of Taro transactions, and by extension any Taro assets contained within them are strong and applied by default. That is, no specific action is required on the part of users to take advantage of the privacy properties of Taro assets. As mentioned in Section 5 of this report however, users may choose to forego certain privacy benefits by sharing their transaction data with interested parties. This would only be done on a voluntary basis.

Taro transactions are contained within Taproot transactions, meaning that general blockchain observers will be unable to determine if a bitcoin transaction contains a Taro asset. Furthermore, under the assumption that Lightning Taro transactions have the same privacy as Lightning bitcoin transactions, only the transactors themselves will be aware that any Taro payment occurs, and the history will not be recorded on the underlying Bitcoin blockchain.

We are therefore optimistic that Taro transactions will have the opportunity to enjoy the same privacy capabilities of existing Taproot and Lightning transactions. We are however cautious that should users be comfortable with sharing their transaction data, the availability of services similar to block explorers may enable blockchain-like visibility into the transaction activity of certain Taro assets.


Major Taro Risks


Technical Complexity 

Taro is the result of creative engineering with relatively new technologies. As a result, users should expect that applications leveraging Taro will not be bulletproof from the very beginning. Proper development is a time-consuming process.

The underlying technology of Taro, Taproot, is still in the process of being fully supported by most wallet softwares (see status, here), and general usage levels remain low. Only around 0.09% of all bitcoin is stored in P2TR addresses. 

This isn't particularly concerning, but is still good to note. It’s common for newly activated Bitcoin features to sit idle as developers build proper tooling. We also consider the main benefit of Taproot to be the enabling of higher complexity transactions at lower financial costs. Therefore, new specifications that implement Taproot, such as Taro, may be necessary to catalyse significant levels of development and usage. 

For most however, the ability to make Taro payments will depend on wallet developers creating usable and secure wallet implementations of Taproot, which have the added functionality to recognise and spend Taro assets. It’s not hard to imagine this taking several years and extensive testing before consumer usage becomes widespread.

Many of the major opportunities of Taro also depend on its compatibility and effectiveness on the Lightning Network. Therefore, the success of Taro will likely depend on general Lightning reliably and the additional infrastructure required to cheaply deliver Taro assets. 

And while perhaps obvious, just as the dependency on Lightning introduces some level of risk to Taro assets, so does its dependency on final settlement on the Bitcoin blockchain. As a result, any potential problems suffered by these systems will also have a negative impact on Taro services.

Ultimately, users are not simply introduced to the technology risk of a particular Taro application, but also to the components that application depends upon, such as wallet providers, the Lightning Network and the Bitcoin settlement process.


While the technical dependencies described above are the same for any software leveraging Lightning and Taproot, other dependencies may arise from the specific participants that support each Taro asset.

At the end of the day, the only asset that can be transacted on the Bitcoin and Lightning Networks, without any reliance on a third party, is bitcoin. Whenever another asset is represented and tokenised within these networks, there will necessarily arise a dependency on a third party. This may be an exchange, an issuer, an index etc. 

The most simple example of third party dependency is the issuer that operates the creation and redemption mechanism of each asset. Another example would be entities providing the data sources of outside data such as exchange rates (referred to as oracles).

Serviced data may be misleading or incomplete in certain circumstances, and in such cases, what is the proper recourse? Or, what are the incentives of each party involved? There are many as of yet unsolved problems at the intersection between third parties and decentralised networks, and this may have to be an area where recourse to legal systems could be required.

Failures of data feeds or connected markets could cause pricing issues, failure of asset issuers or custodians could cause redemption issues. Many of the potential issues that might arise are the same as those that have been faced by the securities industry for decades already, so we expect that inspiration and evolution from that sector will be instrumental in getting these issues solved. 

Overall, we find that each Taro asset and any supporting entities will introduce different categories and varying degrees of third party dependencies. Mindful investors should be careful to evaluate the players involved and assess each asset in accordance with their risk tolerance, especially during the earliest stages of Taro deployment.


The above section leads us right down the path of potential regulation. As mentioned, all Taro assets will have some third party dependencies, and users, having no recourse within the rules of the Bitcoin protocol itself may seek alternative protection through existing or newly developed legal frameworks within specific jurisdictions. 

The current guidelines under which the cryptocurrency industry operates are often ambiguous, not having been designed with crypto assets in its purview, leaving room for shady players to take advantage of overly trusting clients. On the flip side, uncertainty and unfavourable laws and compliance mandates that were designed for a mature securities industry could be applied to startup crypto projects and carry repercussions that might potentially weaken or even stop certain projects dead in their tracks. 

While Taro simply being an open-source software package limits the abilities of authorities to forcibly prevent assets from being issued and transacted, intervention by authorities may disrupt registered businesses within their jurisdiction and infrastructure that are built around it, making assets issued on Taro reasonably vulnerable to adverse regulation.

It is also reasonable to expect that many potential users would want recourse to a legal system within some trustworthy jurisdiction in order to be comfortable owning and trading tokenised assets. Many of the current largest holders and transactors of securities will simply be unable to interact with Taro assets in the absence of clear legal and regulatory frameworks.

We’ll round off this section by noting that several of the asset classes one can envision being tokenised using protocols such as Taro seem to fall pretty squarely into many countries’ current classifications of securities. We fully expect regulators to vocally engage with Taro issuers should they be of the opinion that this is indeed the case. This would likely be damaging to innovation and increase the barriers of entry for startups, but at the same time, if issuers are able to comply with regulations, it could also open the door for a vastly larger user base than would otherwise be possible to attract. 

Community Discouragement

Just as with prior asset issuance protocols, Taro may find itself rejected by a community that has historically chosen to limit protocol flexibility in the tradeoff against feature richness. Community indifference is likely also the path of least resistance, being that Taro’s success will certainly depend on groups of developers building the tools necessary for it to evolve beyond a conceptual design scheme. If Taro fails to generate excitement and developer interest, it might wither on the vine.

Social disapproval may also be exacerbated by sensationalised failures or early scam attempts by bad actors leveraging the Taro protocol. As we have witnessed in the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem, dishonest developers and speculative companies that deceive investors into unstable or outright fraudulent investments have adverse reputational effects on the underlying technology (recent examples: Celsius, Terra). However, the continued popularity of Ethereum given the enormous amount of scams and hacks within its ecosystem might suggest our concern on the matter may be overblown. 

In the Bitcoin ecosystem, this sort of deception has mostly been limited to faulty exchanges and cloud mining scams—all centralised projects connecting to Bitcoin, not so much projects building directly on top of Bitcoin’s protocol stack. Still, the flexibility of Taro (listed previously also as an opportunity) will reduce the friction for developers to issue dishonest assets. This could become a reputational issue over time, causing rejection and discouragement by the general Bitcoin community.


Bitcoin network participants who voluntarily enforce the additional rules of Taro will be required to expend more computational resources (bandwidth, storage, etc.) than those who do not. While this specifically does not impact the existing Bitcoin ecosystem, it may introduce certain centralisation risk to the Taro ecosystem, where particular assets may be confined to a small set of issuers, data providers, or Lightning routers.

Of particular concern to us are the potential resources required to generate, relay, and store Taro ownership proofs, which increase linearly in size with each additional on-chain transaction. Each Taproot transaction involving Taro assets encumbers a newly created proof containing all previous ownership states since the Taro assets were issued. 

Therefore, Taro proofs may become very large in the future, increasing the cost of participants transacting these assets. Without efficiency improvements in packaging and transferring Taro data, these costs could either reduce the set of participants supporting the Taro ecosystem, reducing usefulness of the transaction network and therefore the desirability of the asset.

We also suspect Taro asset payments will likely be more costly than bitcoin payments on the Lightning network, due to both a decreased competitive environment and the likelihood that payment routers would seek to remain market neutral.

Entities that serve as intermediaries between general Lightning members and Taro-enabled members will have varying degrees of asset exposure to facilitate swaps along payment routes. We find it likely that these entities will charge spenders the cost of hedging their exposure to the Taro assets they have chosen to support. As a result, Taro payments may be subject to fees similar to or larger than that of spot exchange markets, and be subject to spreads that are larger than those found in centralised marketplaces. 

Influence on Bitcoin Governance

The use of Bitcoin second layer technologies such as the Lightning Network and Sidechains can introduce a number of risks when it comes to fork outcomes. The decentralised nature of the Bitcoin network means that the ultimate decision of which chain to support lies with the economic actors in the network. This can be problematic since the decisions of heavy economic actors, such as exchanges, or potentially large Taro owners or issuers, could conceivably influence fork selection processes. 

For example, if exchanges were to support one chain over the other, this could lead to a divergence in the overall chain selection of Bitcoin users, ultimately resulting in a split in the network.

The underlying issue here is that users of Taro assets on bitcoin may be heavy economic entities in terms of fork outcome selection, but they may not be heavy bitcoin owners, causing a divergence in incentives. Since a Taro user fundamentally owns something outside of bitcoin, and probably has some recourse to those assets should bitcoin fail, they may not be properly incentivised to participate in bitcoin governance, leading to perversions in the governance processes. 

At the end of the day, it will continue to be the economic weight that matters in bitcoin governance. And while we believe that this is a potential issue that should be closely observed, if it becomes a major distorting factor in bitcoin governance there are always steps that could be taken to mitigate or remove the problem.


[1] The earliest asset issuance projects used unspendable multisignature outputs that bloated the UTXO set, causing higher memory requirements for network members to the extent Bitcoin developers implemented a specific function (known as Op_Return) as a custom data slot in transactions to reduce tension. Although, these Op_Return transactions were also, and for the most part remain,  controversial for increasing the blockchain size and Bitcoin’s storage requirements.

[2] The higher the proportion of Taproot transactions being spent on the blockchain, the harder it becomes to guess whether any of them contain Taro assets. Once the so-called anonymity set gets large enough, guessing becomes practically impossible.

[3] Payment channels are a clever technique that uses one opening, and one final settlement transaction, to encompass many historical trades. They work similar to a pre-funded tab of sorts, where two entities continuously track a history of payments as they’re streamed back and forth, or even hop between multiple connected users to reach counterparties that are not directly connected. Then, upon deciding to conclude their trading partnership, they submit the final balance to the Bitcoin blockchain and undergo its robust settlement process.

[4] Taro nodes must run one of the newer versions of Bitcoin’s protocol rules, one that’s been released since the Taproot activation in November 2021.

Ecrit par
Matthew Kimmell
Publié le16 Déc 2022

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