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#1 Nordic
Crypto ETPs

CoinShares XBT Provider products trade just like a stock or fund via your bank or broker, giving secure and convenient exposure to the price of bitcoin.

What are CoinShares XBT Provider Crypto ETPs?

CoinShares XBT Provider ETPs allow you to invest in Bitcoin or Ethereum with the ease and convenience of a certificate. 
Launched in 2015, CoinShares XBT Provider remains the go-to choice for Nordic investors looking to gain crypto exposure alongside their existing investments.

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People also ask

What is XBT? Is it the same as BTC?

XBT is an abbreviation for Bitcoin - whether you see Bitcoin referred to as XBT or BTC, they point to the same cryptocurrency. The XBT ticker symbol is often used in the financial world to avoid potential confusion with other currencies that also use the “BTC" code in the markets. In this logic, financial services providers that offer exposure to Bitcoin through products such as Exchange-Traded Products (ETPs) are often referred to as XBT Providers - this is the case of XBT Provider by CoinShares.

Is CoinShares XBT Provider only for Bitcoin?

CoinShares XBT Provider also offers ETPs providing exposure to Ethereum, the world’s second largest cryptocurrency. Investors can also purchase this ETP in either EUR or SEK.

Where can I access CoinShares XBT Provider ETPs?

CoinShares XBT Provider ETPs can be traded on various traditional exchanges through your broker or investment platform, depending on your location and the specific product you want to trade. Find a broker

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