Polygon Asset Highlight

This report simplifies and clarifies what MATIC is, the problem MATIC has tried to solve and its development since its launch. Strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, core components and network architecture are also covered.

Polygon is a company with a growing suite of products that offers developers access to Layer 2 solutions and their main chain, Polygon POS, to scale Ethereum. Layer 2 removes the transactional burden and only communicates with Layer 1 to settle transactions with small security messages. This reduction in base layer congestion increases throughput and decreases cost. Leading by most metrics, the extent of Polygon’s security, decentralisation and adoption sits between layer 1s such as Solana and Avalanche and layer 2s such as Arbitrum and Optimism. Yet, still, some risks are of note. Polygon’s dependence on Ethereum and focus on Zero-Knowledge technology (the ability to verify blocks without revealing information) is innovative yet unproven and early.

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