Asset Management Platform
CS Bitcoin Hourly Reference Rate

Crypto ETFs

for US investors

CoinShares has acquired Valkyrie Funds LLC (“Valkyrie Funds”), a U.S. digital asset manager specialising in cryptocurrency ETFs.


Discover different ways 
to gain exposure to crypto

Innovative passive and actively managed ETFs designed to provide seamless and flexible exposure to digital assets.

Crypto industryarrow right
Invest in public companies in the bitcoin mining industry through our Bitcoin Miners ETF , available on your broker.
Bitcoinarrow right
Gain exposure to bitcoin directly with our BRRR ETF, available on your broker.
Bitcoin & Etherarrow right
BTF is an actively managed ETF that invests in bitcoin & ether futures contract, available on your broker.
Leveraged Bitcoinarrow right
BTFX is a daily 2x leveraged ETF providing exposure to bitcoin futures contracts