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Capital Markets

The backbone
of our crypto operations

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Our capabilities

Our Capital Markets team provides market-leading trading technology and support services to our main business lines and performs treasury management function for the CoinShares Group.

The team also offers custom solutions for strategic partners. Capabilities include liquidity provisioning, lending and borrowing, bespoke hedging and risk management. Designed for miners, foundations, crypto funds and beyond.

Our services are designed for institutional clients and market participants only, and are not available to retail investors.

Tailored Solutions

Specialist firms can leverage our class leading crypto expertise, robust balance sheet and extensive network of counterparties to achieve their goals. 

Liquidity Provision

We deliver comprehensive liquidity and trading support to CoinShares' products and clients, ensuring seamless and efficient market participation.

Treasury Management

Maintaining optimal financial health, liquidity and strategic flexibility for the CoinShares Group.

Our experts

CoinShares’ specialist team, based in the Island of Jersey, has breadth of experience and depth of knowledge in both traditional and digital asset markets across trading, technology and risk.

Willkommen bei CoinShares
to CoinShares

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